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Professional Profile . . .
Maggie Sisco
Maggie Sisco received her BA in communications from Boston College in 1987. Since then she has worked in spot television sales and local radio sales in Boston. She married her husband Kevin in 1991 and relocated to New Jersey. She worked briefly in print sales for the toy and gift industry before returning to broadcast. She joined Katz Communications in 1992, took a short hiatus after the birth of her first child, and returned to spot radio sales at Interep Radio as a job share with Shari in the spring of 1995. Maggie is a whiz with a sewing machine, enjoys tag sales, e-bay, and has a great flair for decoration.
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Job Sharing: How Smaller Businesses Can Win the War for Talent
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Revised: November 15, 2000 TAF
© Copyright 2000, Shari Rosen Ascher and Maggie Sisco, All Rights Reserved.